Last week, I spoke before a chapter of one of the large
state CPA societies in the Northeast on one of my favorite subjects – the CPA
firm of the future.
Prior to my presentation one of the attendees jokingly turned
to a colleague and asked what I considered a terrific trivia question – which
musical group performed the one-hit wonder The Night Chicago Died?
The truth be told I knew the answer immediately due to my
penchant for storing multiple gigabytes of arcane and often useless information. Too bad I was rejected as a potential Jeopardy contestant
on two occasions.
For those keeping score at home, the answer was Paper
Lace and the year was 1974.
Think about that for a moment.
Richard Nixon was still President – albeit he would
resign from the Oval Office in a matter of months. Gas was 53 cents a gallon,
the average household income in the U.S, was just under $9,000 and the price of
a Big Mac was 45 cents. Oh, and you could mail a letter for 6 cents.