It probably comes as a surprise to exactly no one that
accountants are not the first on line to adopt the C word – “change.”
Whether it’s new strategies or technologies, their idea
of venturing out into unchartered waters is substituting a green tie in place
of a brown one.
In many cases, “glacial” may be the word that best
described the pace of change in the profession.
There are three ways to grow in this business. 1. One
client at a time or what is known as “organic growth.” 2. Merge with another
CPA firm. 3. Begin a new client service line.
But with the advent of profession-altering trends such as
blockchain and robotics promising to revamp the accounting process as we have
traditionally known it, there will be significant changes afoot – whether the
profession is ready or not.
Like I warn attendees at many of the sessions I present –
this is not your father’s accounting firm.