Welcome back and Happy New Year.
By now, most of your hangovers – whether food or alcohol
- are thankfully a thing of the past. On a personal note, my new best friend
for the months of January and February will be the treadmill at my local health
club. One more over-sized holiday meal and I could have easily performed my best
impression of John Candy.
But with a new year comes the perfunctory annual resolutions.
You know the usual bromides, lose weight, make more money, spend more quality
time with the family... etc.
You can always tell when it’s early January at my above-referenced
gym as people you’ve never laid eyes on before suddenly begin to populate the
workout area – a typical New Year resolution that usually lasts at most until
the end of the month before cobwebs once again begin accumulating on their
membership cards.
Sadly, the same lack of resolve is often seen at CPA
firms – particularly those who have done little or nothing in terms of
succession planning. “Next Year” is a phrase often tossed my way when I inquire
about succession plans – the same barren promise often heard in the locker
rooms and front offices of perennially losing sports teams.
As an example, I had been working with a firm that had no
succession plan and vowed to end years of procrastination and do something
about it. Their strategy (which they until recently they had withheld from me) to
fix their situation - look for a smaller firm to acquire. Now let me repeat
that for emphasis, a firm with partners comfortably in their 60s and no
succession plan wants to multiply their existing problems.
That’s like a person who wants to lose weight dining
regularly at Domino’s Pizza.
Whether it’s planning for succession, deciding to go
paperless or adding a new client service line, there has to be – for lack of a
better term – a firm-wide resolve to actually accomplish those initiatives. And
unlike the typical early January health club members who quickly disappear
after breaking a sweat, they must be in it for the long haul. And again, that
takes resolve to do it.
Like every year I’m heading into 2019 full of optimism
that I will finally encounter more “yays" than “nays” from clients. But I’ll not
exactly go out on a limb here by predicting that by June it will be business as
memberships included.
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