There are certain phrases I hear with alarming frequency
that well, have me reaching for the antacid.
For example, “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity.” I’m
sure you can drum up many more.
But there’s also the most annoying business-related
phrases. Again, for example: “At the end of the day.” “Let’s think outside the
box” and perhaps my most loathsome – “Let’s get all our ducks in a row.”
If I had hair, I’d be tempted to tear a good portion of
it out each time some mush wit utters one of these overused expressions.
I’d like to add one more to that.
“What’s the multiple?”
I can always count on repetitively being asked that
question each time I’m counseling a firm that is contemplating a merger. To be somewhat
fair they want to know how much their practice is worth. And many don’t stop
until they get an answer.
“What’s the multiple?”
Please repeat that because I didn’t hear it the first two
“What’s the multiple?”
Okay for the last time, I’m going to explain the concept
of CPA firm multiples.
Determining a firm’s multiple is should be viewed as
cause and effect. It’s critical to remember that the multiple is the effect –
determined in large part by several distinct variables, which we refer to as
the cause. Let’s examine each in depth.