As accountants go, Rocco – my CPA for the last 23 years –
is fairly conservative when it comes to tax deductions. In full disclosure,
he’s not very creative regarding potential write-offs, which is why he probably
became an accountant.
He went out on a limb last year and bought a candy apple
red Corvette which sits quietly in his garage under a tarp. He only takes it
out when the temperature is above 60 degrees and the sun is out in full blast.
Again that’s why he most likely opted for a career as a
CPA. His idea of taking a chance is to drop $5 in a slot machine which
hopefully, will last all night.
So as a result my return is pretty plain vanilla – no
surprises or outrageous refund claims. But each year, I inevitably stumble
across an article that chronicles some of the more outlandish attempts at tax
And 2015 was no different.