As accountants go, Rocco – my CPA for the last 23 years –
is fairly conservative when it comes to tax deductions. In full disclosure,
he’s not very creative regarding potential write-offs, which is why he probably
became an accountant.
He went out on a limb last year and bought a candy apple
red Corvette which sits quietly in his garage under a tarp. He only takes it
out when the temperature is above 60 degrees and the sun is out in full blast.
Again that’s why he most likely opted for a career as a
CPA. His idea of taking a chance is to drop $5 in a slot machine which
hopefully, will last all night.
So as a result my return is pretty plain vanilla – no
surprises or outrageous refund claims. But each year, I inevitably stumble
across an article that chronicles some of the more outlandish attempts at tax
And 2015 was no different.
As incredible at some of the below mentioned attempts
are, I still find it hard to beat one I encountered a number of years ago when
a former colleague of mine attempted to write off a $5,000 mink coat with the
explanation that she attended a number of work-related social events and had to
make a stunning appearance.
For those keeping score at home, it didn’t fly with the
IRS. She became the unwelcome recipient of a full-blown audit.
Okay so you pick your favorite from last year’s filings.
- A wedding. Seems that half the guests at the affair were claimed as business-related clients. The bride said “I do,” but the IRS said “I object.”
- Season tickets to a local amusement park. A couple attempted to claim the deduction as day care expenses. Apparently rides on the carousel or loop-de-loop didn’t fly.
- A baby grand piano. I can’t even begin to explain this one. Struck a sour note with auditors.
- A boat. Seems the owner was fond of taking it out to entertain business clients. The IRS informed him that drinks and dinner would suffice just fine.
- A facelift and regular Botox injections to keep up appearances. Why not just sign up for membership at a health club?
But I’m wondering if I should perhaps become bolder as the
other day, the postal truck backed up and smashed my mailbox to pieces? Do you
think maybe?
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