Friday, December 20, 2013

Here’s To a Great 2014!

To the sound of either cheers or jeers this will mark my final blog for 2013.

I hoped you’ve enjoyed my postings, and if not, after nearly 25 years as a journalist, I’ve developed a fairly thick skin, so I’ll take constructive criticism as well.

So keep those cards and letters coming.

So, to review:

Merger-mania among CPA firms in 2013 continued as most predicted it would and it shows absolutely no signs of stopping in the coming year. So if you haven’t gotten a call from someone asking if you’re free for lunch, I can almost guarantee one or more will come from prospective suitors.

Succession planning leaped at or near the front of the line in terms of most pressing issues that firms will be facing over the coming years, and sadly, many of the practices I contacted during the past 365 days, continue to maintain a “we’ll get to it when we get to it,” attitude with regard to that crucial strategy. I eventually resigned myself that you can wag your finger in warning just so many times before you realize someone doesn’t get it, and probably won’t until it’s too late.

On the plus side, those above-mentioned firms in succession denial will more than likely create real estate opportunities for others.

Closer to home, our company principals enjoyed a banner year with regard to teaching CPE in most of the major conferences and meetings, as more of our colleagues in the profession have come to the realization that we’re about so much more than just M&A.

So if you’ll pardon the shameless self-promotion, keep us on your speaker/presenter radar in 2014 because I’m happy to report that we’re booking up quickly.

On a personal note, my lifetime of borderline hypochondria finally paid big dividends and helped catch the big “C” at an early stage and following surgery, came out my usual cantankerous self.

So I’m putting everyone on notice that I intend to be around for quite a while.

And finally, from all of us at Transition Advisors, we wish you a healthy and happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year!

See you in January.

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